March 23rd, 2013: Million Woman Walk for Congo in Atlanta, USA.

March 23rd, 2013: Million Woman Walk for Congo in Atlanta, USA.

March 23rd, 2013: Million Woman Walk for Congo in Atlanta, USA. 600 649 Ingeta

Date: Saturday MARCH 23, 2013 … come along with friends, family members, colleagues, neighbors. Let’s speak up with ONE voice for those women whose voices are being muffled and stifled by the monstrosity of raped. “Enough is Enough!” When Women Walk, the World Listens. SHE needs you. It’s the right thing to do.

Where: Georgia World Congress Center (downtown Atlanta, GA, USA).

Start: 10 a.m.

The Atlanta Million Woman Walk for Congo is organized and sponsored by DUNIA Magazine, an international People, Culture and Lifestyle Magazine.


The Atlanta Million Woman for Congo is a multicultural walk, seeking to bring together women and their families, of different races, cultures, and backgrounds from around the country.

It feels good to know someone cares. By walking, you’ll be protecting and saving lives. Your concern, efforts, and love will reverberate across the Atlantic ocean, right to the heart of the women of the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo and speak volumes to a country that has felt abandoned for many years.

Projects to be funded will included:

  • Providing shelter and homes to women and their families displaced by war.
  • Helping provide sustenance and a means of livelihood for women victimized by the war.
  • Supporting local hospitals and health care centers that cater to victims of rape and violence.

DUNIA Magazine (the organizer of the Atlanta Million Woman for Congo) will work directly with local organizations to directly fund projects which are identified as urgent based on the needs of displaced and abused women in the war torn areas of the DRC.

More information & contact on The event Website.





Informer. Inspirer. Impacter.

Notre travail consiste à :
Développer un laboratoire d’idées sur le passé, présent et futur du Congo-Kinshasa.

Proposer un lieu unique de décryptage, de discussion et de diffusion des réalités et perspectives du Congo-Kinshasa.

Aiguiser l’esprit critique et vulgariser les informations sur les enjeux du Congo, à travers une variété de supports et de contenus (analyses, entretiens, vidéos, verbatims, campagnes, livres, journal).