January 16th, 2013: « Lumumba 52 Soiree » in New York City

January 16th, 2013: « Lumumba 52 Soiree » in New York City

January 16th, 2013: « Lumumba 52 Soiree » in New York City 635 391 Ingeta

Friends of the Congo (FOTC) in collaboration with Etienne DeYans at Tapis Rouge invite our supporters to join us on Wednesday, January 16, 2013 at 7 pm, at the Lair NYC Lounge.

The evening is dedicated to Congolese independence hero and first Prime Minister Patrice Emery Lumumba. Toni Blackman will serve as host for the evening. New York based artists will perform live. Short films will be shown and food and drinks will be available, all for a good cause – Congo Connect Youth Initiative.

Tickets: $10 – Click here to purchase tickets!

Everyone can lend their skills, talents and expertise to the global movement in support of the Congo – activists, socialites, musicians, community leaders and organizers are welcomed to join-in.

This premier location in Manhattan continues the standard for the caliber of events people have come to expect from FOTC. View highlights from previous events.

Host: Toni Blackman

Performers: PS The Rebels, 7Knuckles and Hasan Salaam.DJ: DJ RipRaw from Tobago and Kevin Boss from DRC

Co-sponsors: Tapis Rouge and Applause Africa

Date:       Wed., Jan. 16, 2013
Time:      7:00 pm
Venue:     Lair – 201 Lafayette Street (6 train stop to Spring St, corner of Kenmare and Lafayette St in Soho) Manhattan, NY 10012

Click herefor directions!

For more information call us at 202-584-6512 or send email to: events@friendsofthecongo.org. If you are not in New York and would like to support the Lumumba Commemoration event, click here to make a financial contribution.

Note: The list of artists standing up for peace and justice in the Congo continues to grow. Click here to watch the latest in a series of PSAs featuring Talib Kweli, Pharoahe Monch, Jean Grae PS The Rebels, 7Knuckles and a host of other artists.

Join the Congolese Diaspora in Washington, DC on Thursday, January 17, 2013 for a rally and march from the White House to the State Department. Click here to find out more!





Informer. Inspirer. Impacter.

Notre travail consiste à :
Développer un laboratoire d’idées sur le passé, présent et futur du Congo-Kinshasa.

Proposer un lieu unique de décryptage, de discussion et de diffusion des réalités et perspectives du Congo-Kinshasa.

Aiguiser l’esprit critique et vulgariser les informations sur les enjeux du Congo, à travers une variété de supports et de contenus (analyses, entretiens, vidéos, verbatims, campagnes, livres, journal).