Royaume-Uni & Irlande

Keith Harmon Snow speaking in London on the Political Economy of Genocide in Congo

Keith Harmon Snow speaking in London on the Political Economy of Genocide in Congo 500 333 Ingeta

Date: May 5th, 2012 Time: From 2pm to 6 pm. Location: King Solomon Academy,Penfold Street, NW1 6RX, London,…

DR Congo: « A stolen election, an abandoned people ». Conference in Middlesbrough, UK on april 27th, 2012

DR Congo: « A stolen election, an abandoned people ». Conference in Middlesbrough, UK on april 27th, 2012 720 540 Ingeta

    Date: Friday, April 27th, 2012 Time: 6PM – 8 PM Location: THE UNIVERSITY OF TEESSIDE (Lecture…

This man was beaten up did not even have a solicitor on his Court day. He got my contact only the day before, thankfully the police dropped the charges but he will now sue them and has representation. PLEASED CIRCULATE SOLICITORS INFO!

Support for congolese demonstrators in London – Call for witness & sollicitors contacts

Support for congolese demonstrators in London – Call for witness & sollicitors contacts 720 540 Ingeta

A. CALL FOR WITNESS: We are looking for witnesses who were present at the Congolese protest on 6 December…

This man was beaten up did not even have a solicitor on his Court day. He got my contact only the day before, thankfully the police dropped the charges but he will now sue them and has representation. PLEASED CIRCULATE SOLICITORS INFO!

UK : Court hearings for Congolese demonstrators, witness needed

UK : Court hearings for Congolese demonstrators, witness needed 720 540 Ingeta

Urgent: Court hearings for Congolese demonstrators, witness needed. Please circulate this info! People are now going to Court…

UK Event : From mines to mobiles – « Blood in the mobile » Film screening, Talk & Action points in London, march 12th

UK Event : From mines to mobiles – « Blood in the mobile » Film screening, Talk & Action points in London, march 12th 1274 2000 Ingeta

Date & Time: Monday 12th March, 5:30pm Location: Anthropology Undergraduate Common Room in the Dept. of Anthropology Dept. of…

UK: Congolese demonstration at the London Stock Exchange, 8th March 2012

UK: Congolese demonstration at the London Stock Exchange, 8th March 2012 640 480 Ingeta

    Date:8th march 2012 Time: 12 pm to 6 pm Location: 10 Patemoster Square, London EC4 7LS…

Congo protest: Hundreds march through Birmingham (UK)

Congo protest: Hundreds march through Birmingham (UK) 465 300 Ingeta

Source: Birmingham Mail (UK). Published on February 17th, 2012. PROTESTERS have vowed to continue to march through Birmingham…

Angleterre: Méga Marche des Congolais à Birmingham. Le 16 février 2012.

Angleterre: Méga Marche des Congolais à Birmingham. Le 16 février 2012. 450 279 Ingeta

    Date: 16 février 2012 Heure du rendez-vous: 10h30 Contact: Dr Scope Nsumbu 07578186915/07438078179 Dr Didier Matamba…

England: Congolese demonstration in London. February 16th.

England: Congolese demonstration in London. February 16th. 450 279 Ingeta

    Date : February 16th, 2012 Gathering : Notre Dame de France catholic church, 5 leicester place,…

Conference in London. DR Congo: Beyond the 2011 elections. On February 14th

Conference in London. DR Congo: Beyond the 2011 elections. On February 14th 600 400 Ingeta

Date/Time: February 14th – Panel 1: 16:00 – 17:30 -Panel 2: 18:00 – 19:30 Venue: School of Oriental…

Scotland: Sit-in à Glasgow – « No to Western Complicity in the Congo ». 16 février 2012 à 12h.

Scotland: Sit-in à Glasgow – « No to Western Complicity in the Congo ». 16 février 2012 à 12h. 244 183 Ingeta

Date : 16 février 2012 Lieu : Georges Square, Glasgow Heure :  de 12h à 15h Les congolais…

Afrique du Sud: Les congolais de Londres et de Paris interpellent Zuma

Afrique du Sud: Les congolais de Londres et de Paris interpellent Zuma 350 299 Ingeta

Le 27 janvier 2012, les congolais ont décidé de manifester devant les ambassades d’Afrique du Sud à Londres…




Informer. Inspirer. Impacter.

Notre travail consiste à :
Développer un laboratoire d’idées sur le passé, présent et futur du Congo-Kinshasa.

Proposer un lieu unique de décryptage, de discussion et de diffusion des réalités et perspectives du Congo-Kinshasa.

Aiguiser l’esprit critique et vulgariser les informations sur les enjeux du Congo, à travers une variété de supports et de contenus (analyses, entretiens, vidéos, verbatims, campagnes, livres, journal).